How to choose a chicken farm?

The site selection is determined based on a comprehensive evaluation of factors such as the nature of breeding, natural conditions and social conditions.

(1) Principle of location selection

The terrain is open and the terrain is relatively high; the area is suitable, the soil quality is good; the sun is sheltered from the wind, flat and dry; the transportation is convenient, the water and electricity are reliable;


(2) Specific requirements

The terrain is open and the terrain is high. The terrain should be open, not too narrow and too long and too many corners, otherwise it is not conducive to the layout of farms and other buildings and the disinfection of sheds and sports fields. The terrain should be suitable for building a shed that is long from east to west, facing south and north, or suitable for building a shed facing southeast or east. The construction site should be selected in a higher place, otherwise it is easy to accumulate water, which is not conducive to breeding.

The area is suitable and the soil quality is good. The size of the ground should meet the needs of breeding, and it is best to consider the use of development. If building a broiler shed, the construction land area of living housing, feed warehouse, brooding room, etc. should also be considered.

The soil of the selected shed should be sandy loam or loam, not sandy or clay. Because the sandy loam has good air permeability and water permeability, low water holding capacity, not muddy after rain, and easy to keep properly dry, it can prevent the breeding and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, parasite eggs, mosquitoes and flies. At the same time, it has the advantages of self-purification and stable soil temperature, which is more beneficial to breeding. Loam soil also has many advantages, and can also build sheds on it. Sand or clay soil has many shortcomings, so it is not suitable to build a shed on it.

Sunny and sheltered from wind, flat and dry. The terrain should be sheltered from the sun to keep the microclimate temperature relatively stable and reduce the intrusion of wind and snow in winter and spring, especially to avoid the mountain passes and long valleys in the northwest.

The ground should be flat and should not be uneven. In order to facilitate drainage, the ground is required to have a slight slope, and the slope should face the sun. The ground should be dry, not wet, and the site should be well ventilated.

Convenient transportation and reliable water and electricity. Traffic should be more convenient, easy to transport, in order to facilitate feeding and sales.

The water source should be sufficient to meet the water needs in the breeding process. In the breeding process, the chickens need a lot of clean drinking water, and the cleaning and disinfection of sheds and utensils require water. Farmers should consider digging wells and building water towers near their chicken farms. The water quality is required to be good, the water should not contain germs and toxic substances, and it should be clear and free of peculiar smell.

The power supply cannot be cut off during the entire breeding process, and the power supply must be reliable. In areas with frequent power outages, farmers must provide their own generators.


Leave the village and avoid justice. The location of the selected shack should be a place with a relatively quiet and hygienic environment. At the same time, it should meet the social public health guidelines, and should not be close to crowded places such as villages, towns and markets, and should not make it a source of pollution to the surrounding social environment.

Avoid pollution and meet environmental standards. The selected site should be far away from the places where the “three wastes” are discharged, and away from places that are likely to cause the spread of pathogens, such as veterinary stations, slaughterhouses, animal product processing plants, areas where livestock and poultry diseases are common, and try not to build sheds or sheds on old chicken farms. Expansion; leave water source protection areas, tourist areas, nature reserves and other places that cannot be polluted; leave environments and areas with dirty air, damp, cold or sultry heat, and keep away from orchards to prevent pesticide poisoning. There should also be no dirty gutters nearby.


Post time: Mar-22-2022

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